What Our Tour Participants Say
"The moment […] allowed my sister and me to share our legacy and brought us closer together; in our version of a roots trip, the bond we achieved along the way, as my sister said, was ‘one root we actually found."
Joe BergerThe New York Time
Discover your past, the present, and our future with TJHT. This unique team has put together a tour of our history in Poland like no other. Our Jewish story is incomplete without experiencing the agony, loss, recovery and restoration of this crucial chapter. I was moved, devastated, but ultimately inspired by what was and what needs to be now.
Rabbi Naamah KelmanDean of the HUC-JIR Taube Family Campus in Jerusalem
“ADL has traveled around the globe on many fact-finding missions but we have never received more valued assistance and wise council than what Helise and her team provided for us. We look forward to partnering with the Taube Center in the months and years ahead.”
Jonathan A. GreenblatChief Executive Officer, Anti-Defamation League
“Taube Jewish Heritage Tours did an amazing job coordinating an engaging and educational tour. Coming in with minimal knowledge about Poland and Jewry, I feel like I have learned so much.”
Changling HuangRutgers University
“An incredible journey into the heart of not just a nation and its history, but nationhood and its various meanings. A unique, unflinching, and utterly transformative look into what it means to be Polish, to be Jewish, and to be a Polish Jew. Forward-looking, honest, and hopeful.”
Matthew WigglerStanford University
“Months after our trip through historical Galicia, the power of our visit is still reverberating within me. Visiting the hometowns of my maternal great-grandparents, Nowy Zmigrod and Mielec, was truly a life-changing experience, connecting me more than ever before to my family heritage and that of the Jews of this region of Poland. As a result of meticulous planning by Taube's Helise Lieberman and Magda Matuszewska, we were able to learn a tremendous amount about the current state of Jewish memory culture in Poland. Meeting young Poles who are dedicated to integrating Jewish history into a contemporary, multicultural Polish consciousness was an inspiring high point of our trip.”
Stuart SchearVice President for Communications, American Jewish World Service
“These trips remind young people that Jewish history is not something that ended with the destruction of the Second Temple and resumed with the establishment of the State of Israel. When you go to Poland, what you see is not just history, not just traces, not just markers of the past. You see the incredible evidence of hundreds of years, where millions of Jews lived in this one country, and you see all that they created.”
Dr. Samuel KassowCharles H. Northam Professor of History, Trinity College
"The moment […] allowed my sister and me to share our legacy and brought us closer together; in our version of a roots trip, the bond we achieved along the way, as my sister said, was ‘one root we actually found."
Discover your past, the present, and our future with TJHT. This unique team has put together a tour of our history in Poland like no other. Our Jewish story is incomplete without experiencing the agony, loss, recovery and restoration of this crucial chapter. I was moved, devastated, but ultimately inspired by what was and what needs to be now.
Rabbi Naamah Kelman
Dean of the HUC-JIR Taube Family Campus in Jerusalem